Open forecast »
3very good1500m
4very good350m
1In service925m
2In service135m
3Not running420m
4In service350m
5Not running740m
Operating time: 9:00 - 16:00

Price list

Type of ticketAdultChildren, seniorsDaily Students (ISIC)
Deposit on a chip card3 €3 €3 €
DAILY TICKET 9:00 - 16:0020 €16 €18 €
2 - hours14 €12 €13 €
3 - hours16 €14 €15 €
4 - hours17 €15 €16 €
5 - hours18 €16 €17 €
2 - days34 €28 €31 €
3 - days50 €41 €46 €
4 - days65 €54 €60 €
5 - days81 €67 €73 €
6 - days97 €80 €86 €
7 - days113 €93 €99 €
Credit ticket *18 €16 €17 €
Season ticket - not transferable180 €145 €165€

* Credit system: lift H130 10 runs, lift F-12 15 runs, lift P 18 runs, lift S 30 runs

Family Tickets
* two parents + 1 or 2 children

Type of a ticket2+1 *2+2 *
All day 9:00 - 16:0046 €  59 € (another child + 13 €)
3 - hours37 €48 € (another child + 10 €)
4 - hours40 €52 € (another child + 11 €)
5 - hours43 €55 € (another child + 12 €)

Individual rides

Type of a liftAdultChildren, seniors
Lift H-1302,50 €2 €
Lift F-12  
Lift P1,50 €1 €
Lift S1 €1 €
SKI courses for Primary schools or High Schools10 €

Children – up to 12 years

Seniors : women –older than 58 years ;  men – older than 60 years                   


Discover the beauty of Slovakia

Ski centre Javorinka is situated in the southern part of the valley Rajecka dolina near village Čičmany which is famous for its original wooden houses with a characteristic white ornamental decoration.